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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.14 No.3 pp.189-200

품질비용관리시스템 구축을 통한 품질비용 개선효과 및 성과에 관한 사례연구

이 욱 기*,김 주 완*
*금오공과대학교 경영학과

A case study on the improvement effects of quality cost by establishing a quality cost management system

Joo-Wan Kim*, Wook-Gee Lee*
*Department of Business Administration, Kumoh National Institute of Technology


Many companies have endeavored to build a quality cost management system in order to be more productivebusiness organization. This study shows the detail procedures of constructing a quality cost managementsystem which is believed to be appropriate for their business system. That is, the method to calculate thequality cost and the linking logic between the quality improvement and its financial impact are explained basedon a particular industry case. In this sense, the changes of business performance measures such as marketshare, customer satisfaction, etc. were analyzed in the longitudinal perspective for the consecutive 4 years(2003~2006). As the quantitative results of this study, the improvement activities based on the quality costmanagement system resulted in the 32% reduction of quality cost and the 121% increase of business profit,compared 2005 with 2006. In the qualitative perspective, the successive practice of quality cost reduction andthe job information sharing in business unit were obtained by providing the best practices and bench-markingcases. Finally, the customer satisfaction has increased so that the customer-friendly management system hasbeen accomplished. With these efforts, the 3.4% increase of the market share and the 3% increase of thecustomer satisfaction were obtained in 2005. As the future study, the current study can be extended to theconcept of COPQ (cost of poor quality) which focuses on the hidden quality cost of the whole businessactivities. Such extension of analysis will help us understand the wider role of a quality cost managementsystem in the business.


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