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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.14 No.3 pp.147-154

AHP를 통한 중소기업 ERP 구축을 위한 인지도에 관한 분석 -3자 중소물류협력사 중심으로-

김 기 홍*,강 경 식**
*대구물류센터영업기획,**명지대학교 산업경영공학과

A study on the factor analysis of ERP system construction for small and medium enterprise using AHP -third logistic small and mediun partner company approach-

Ki-Hong Kim*, Kyung-Sik Kang**
*Sales planning of daegu logistics center Co., Ltd,
**Myongji University Industrial Engineering


The medium and small logistic companies that have an outsourcing contract from the large corporation areencountered with a problem to introduce the ERP system to their current business environment due tofollowing risk of change in current business environment, high cost involved in investment, and lack ofunderstanding of business requirement of ERP. Instead of build their own ERP system, the small and mediumlogistic companies are using the large corporation's ERP system and get the benefit of efficiency inmanagement and control process. Therefore, it is more like the organization hierarchy, not collaboration betweenthe medium and small companies with the large corporation. In this study, the survey method to find out howthe medium and small logistic companies understand the importance of ERP system on continuous growth ofbusiness by AHP. as result, they are recognized.The benefit of the ERP system as having much effect on business competitiveness.


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