ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
정기용선계약에서 갑판적재화물 손해에 대한 책임에 관한 연구 - Socol 3호 판결을 중심으로 -
A Study on the Liability for the loss of deck cargo under a time charter - Focused on the decision in the Socol 3 -
- 13 김태우(109~116).pdf465.1KB
2.해상법, 법문사, 2007, pp.214-215.
3.송상현 ․ 김현, 해상법원론, 박영사, 2005, p.290.
4.유병욱, "로테르담규칙에서 운송인의 책임에 관한 연구", 국제상학 제24권 제4호, 2009, p.109.
5.이광희 ․ 이원정, 용선계약실무, 박영사, 2009, p.41.
6.최준선, 보험법․해상법, 삼영사, 2010, p.431.
7.Hill Dickinson, Cargo Conventions, 2009, p.7.
8.Holman Fenwick William, "Onego Shipping & Chartering BV v JSC Arcadia Shipping", Shipping Bulletin, 2010, p.2.
9.Ince & Co, "The Socol 3 - NYPE Charter Incorporated the Hague-Visby Rule and Liability for Loss of Deck Cargo due to Vessel Being Unstable", Shipping E-Brief, 2010, pp.79.
10.John F. Wilson, Carriage of Goods by Sea, Pearson Education Limited, 2001, p.180.
11.Lloyd's List, "Deck Cargo", Shipping & Trade Law", 2010, pp.6-7.
12.Reed Smith, "Whether On Deck Statement in Bill of Lading Sufficient to Exclude Application of Hague Visby Rules", R. S. Bulletin, 2010, pp.23-34.
13.Steamship Mutual, "Deck Cargo-Exception and Limitation of Liability", Sea Venture, Vol.14, 2010, p.6.
14.UK P&I Club, "What Impact will the Rotterdam Rules have on your liability?", Legal Briefing, 2009, pp.3-4.
15.Weightmans, "There goes the Deck Cargo : Who carriers the can?", Marine and Transit, 2010, pp.5-6.
16.William Tetly, Marine Cargo Claim, Lexis Law Publishing, 2008, p.651.
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