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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.14 No.3 pp.175-181

도로 침하에 따른 아스팔트 파손에 대한 연구

강 인 원*, 조 상 훈*, 심 철 우*, 김 동 철**
*조선대학교 산업안전공학과, **충북대학교 안전공학과

A case stuy for the asphalt damage with the subsidence

In-Won Kang*, Sang-Hoon Cho*, Chul-Woo Sim*, Dong-Chul Kim**
*Department of Industrial Safety Engineering Chosun University
*Department of Industrial Safety Engineering Chosun University


This example was able to focus on the long usage of the pavement that it was merely through the oxidationof the asphalt pavement which it could contact with on the road in the industrial housing complex andcorrelation regulation of the asphalt subsidence with the load in basic Infra of the configuration. The problemin conjunction with the subsidence (transformation) was interpreted as a problem of the subsidence of eachpavement layer to lead the subsidence of the road or the transformation to packaging side asphalt pavement,but the traffic number of times of the heavy vehicle highlights for main problems with the road where isconcentrated. In the case of general asphalt paving, it thinks it exposes light, and to study a generalphenomenon for the asphalt transformation and a cause for a pavement construction method and the propertyof material used for pavement and a complement method by the case study at this time of the compound withthe heavy vehicle traffic that it can become clear that small success transformation occurs at a point in timewhen 1-2 years more pass, and a fatigue rift occurs by ultraviolet rays, the oxidation with the contact withthe air afterwards, and described beginning to use by the above.

Asphalt Subsidence


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