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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.14 No.4 pp.281-289

문제해결 도구의 양면성 속성에 대한 연구

성 기 욱*, 한 훈 석*, 김 봉 선*
*인하대학교 산업공학과

A Study on Ambidextrous Attribute About Problem Solving Tools

Ki-Wook Sung*, Hoon-Seok Han*, Bong-Sun Kim*
*Division of Industrial Engineering, Inha University


Recently, creative innovation has become a major topic in management innovation and due to this, variousresearches on its need and methodologies are being performed. According to previous studies on ambidexterity,explorative innovation is closer to divergent and right-sided brain, while exploitative innovation is closer toconvergent and left-sided brain. Five attributes of the questionnaires were developed based on right-sided andleft-sided brain theory. Also, 25 problem solving tools were selected according to previous studies. QC 7 Toolsand new QC 7 Tools were frequently used in Six Sigma projects. Other 11 problem solving tools were selectedwith consideration on its usage frequency. Survey questionnaires were distributed to 25 Six Sigma consultantsand 22 were retrieved for this study’s use. As a result, 14 tools were identified to hold exploitative attributewhile 11 tools were identified to hold explorative attributes.


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