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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.14 No.4 pp.205-210

그린IT 이니셔티브들 전략적 영향들을 평가하기위한 지속가능한 BSC-IT 기반 프레임워크

Luis Ruiz*, 박 정 선*
*명지대학교 산업경영공학과

A Sustainable BSC-IT based Framework for Assessing the Strategic Impacts of Green IT Initiatives

Jeong-Sun Park*, Luis Ruiz*
*Dept. of Industrial and Management Engineering, Myongji University


We don’t have time to waste, time is running, and the global warming is an issue that concerns to all of us.Information technology, which on a global level is responsible for 2% of emission of greenhouse gases.
However, the remaining 98% is seen as an opportunity for IT to help our planet, our companies and oursociety. The purpose of this paper is to analyze green information technology (IT) initiatives and their strategicimpact. And to have done this, we develope and create a very useful balanced-scorecard framework to explain,understand, and identify the direct and indirect contribution of green IT initiatives. The green IT evaluationframework, called here a sustainable green IT balanced scorecard, integrates the four BSC-IT perspectives withthe Zuboff’s automate/informate goals of information systems and the contribution of the sustainability(economic, social and environment). This study also seeks to answer the following questions: 1) what are thedriving forces for implementing green IT initiatives? 2) How can an analytical framework be built tosystematically analyze the benefits and strategic contribution of green IT initiatives? And 3) how green ITinitiatives impact the strategic goals of a firm and how they can contribute to the triple bottom line? Theframework demonstrates to be useful as a management tool to hopefully integrate environmental and socialmanagement with the general management of a company. Besides, the strategy map and measures for each cellof the framework are provided.


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