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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.14 No.4 pp.71-77

중소기업에서의 공급사슬 위험관리를 위한 패러다임 전환에 관한 연구

윤 승 옥*, 이 창 호**
*한국표준협회 수석연구원, **인하대학교 산업공학과 교수

A Study on Paradigm Shift of Supply Chain Risk Management for SMEs.

Seung-Ok Yoon*, Chang-Ho Lee**
*Industrial Standards Division Principal Researcher, Korean Standards Association
**Department of Industrial Engineering, INHA University


It is very important the collaboration and risk management of supply chain between the parent company andits partners in the supply chain risk management(SCRM). It was known that the SCRM approach is verydifferent between a large enterprise and a small and medium-sized enterprise. This paper deals with thesuggestion about SCRM structure for a small and medium-sized enterprise. This SCRM structure consist ofrisk identification, risk assessment, and risk mitigation. We expect that this SCRM structure promote thecollaboration between a parent company and its partners to alleviate the supply chain risk.


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