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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.15 No.1 pp.271-281

AHP 프로그램을 이용한 자동차 구매 의사결정시 그룹토의가 의사결정에 미치는 영향에 관한 이문화 비교 연구

최 필 성*, 주 원**
*칭화대 산업공학과
**칭화대 경제 및 관리학부

A Cross-Cultural Study on the Effect of Group Discussion in AHP-Group Decision Making for a Car Purchase

Pilsung Choe*, Wen Zhu**
*Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University
**Department of Management and Science, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
Received November 22, 2012; Revision Received March 5, 2013; Accepted March 5, 2013.


In the trend toward globalization, cross-cultural teams in organizations are becoming more and morecommon. In particular, the influence of China and Western Europe on the global economy is getting increased.With this trend, it is important to understand cross-cultural characteristics for group decision making inmanagerial environments. This study aims at analyzing cross-cultural differences between China and WesternEurope in light of the effect of group discussion in group decision making. An experiment simulating a decisionof a car purchase was conducted. A total of 48 subjects (24 Chinese and 24 Western Europeans) assigned indecision groups were asked to judge relative importance ratios of nine factors affecting their purchase decisionsusing the AHP program developed for the experiment. Three dependent variables (consistency, satisfaction, andconsensus) were measured. Chinese were slightly more consistent than Western Europeans indiscussion-involved group decision making. In terms of decision satisfaction, Western Europeans were moresatisfied with discussion-included decisions than discussion-excluded decisions. Chinese, on the contrary, didnot show a significant difference. There was no significant difference between two cultures in decisionconsensus.


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