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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.15 No.1 pp.141-149

스테레오타입 분석을 통한 방향정보 전달용 햅틱 아이콘 설계

김 상 호*
*금오공과대학교 산업공학부

A Study on Designing Haptic Icons to support Informative Communications for Navigation

Sang-Ho Kim*
*School of Industrial Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology
Received January 20, 2013; Revision Received March 12, 2013; Accepted March 12, 2013.


In this paper, the learnability of haptic icons was tested as a way of conveying turn-by-turn directions tousers involved in navigation interactions with commercial smartphones. To do this, six most distinctive hapticicons were identified from those having different duration of each pulse, interval between pulses, and rhythm.Associations between the selected haptic icons and 3 pairs of navigation directions were analyzed using datagathered from 30 subjects by 7 point Likert scale. The haptic icons were then assigned to proper directionsbased on the results from that stereotype analysis.
The results showed that the commercial smartphone with one linear motor at a fixed location is not capable ofmaking hapticons to have clear directional stereotypes. The hapticons with poor stereotypes has no advantagein learnability compared to those of random assignment.


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