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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.15 No.1 pp.133-140

연소시 생성된 CO가스의 고찰을 통한 인명피해 최소화 방안에 관한 연구

최 만 철*, 김 병 식*
*한국교통대학교 안전공학과

A Study on the ways to minimize Casualties through a consideration of the CO gas generated during combustion

Man-Chul Choi*, Byung-Suk Kim*
*Department of Safety Engineering, Korea National University of transportation
Received October 18, 2012; Revision Received January 15, 2013; Accepted February 19, 2013.


Recently developed a variety of architectural interior decoration according hwadoeme type of toxic gasesgenerated during fire also are becoming diversified, resulting in fatal casualties occurred in the trend is alsobeing increased. During a fire, toxic gas that is generated varies depending on the combustible material occurs.However, all combustible materials, including carbon, incomplete combustion of carbon monoxide which isgenerated in the most common toxic gases can be seen as one.Accordingly, in this study of organic solids that are generated in case of fire toxic gases, and briefly discussthe characteristics of the risks and, by far the most common Co gas for measures to prevent human casualties,seolbijeok, the temperature dependence, divided into four aspects of administrative daechaekdeung explained.


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