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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.15 No.2 pp.151-159

외식업체 근로자의 내부마케팅과 식품 안전분위기의 관계 및 고용형태의 조절효과

안 관 영*, 배 중 남**
*상지대학교 경영학과, **상지대학교 관광학부

The relationship between internal marketing and food safety, and the moderating effect of employment type in food service industry

Jung-Nam Bae**, Kwan-Young Ahn*
**Division of Tourism, Sangji University
*Department of Business Administration, Sangji University
Received January 20, 2013; Revision Received March 9, 2013; Accepted March 13, 2013.


 This paper reviewed the relationship between internal marketing(management support, education, pay system,internal communication, employment security) and food safety climate(prevention, superior attitude, workcondition), and the moderating effect of employment type(permanent or temporary employees) in food servicecompany. Based on the responses from 304 responses, the results of hierarchical multiple regression analysisshowed that 4 factors(management support, education, internal communication, employment security) effectpositively on food safety climate(prevention, superior attitude, work condition). The positive effect of internalcommunication on superior attitude and work condition appeared to be more positive in permanent employeesthan in temporary employees.
 And the results of t-test analysis showed that permanent employees perceived more positively all internalmarketing factors(management support, education, pay system, internal communication, employment security)and food safety climate(precaution, superior attitude, work condition) than temporary employees.


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