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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.15 No.2 pp.135-141

노인주간보호시설의 프로그램운영과 공간구성관계연구
- 경기도 노인주간보호시설을 중심으로 -

김 용 웅*, 박 경 진*
*한양대학교 이노베이션대학원 산업환경디자인학과

Study on service and Use the Actual conditions of Day care Center for the elderly - with A Focus on Adult Day Care Facilities -

Kyung-jin Park*, Yong-Woong Kim*
*Department of Industrial Environment․Design, HANYANG Uneiversity
Received April 20, 2013; Revision Received June 10, 2013; Accepted June 10, 2013.


 As the country's elderly people who are 65 years or older recently exceeded 10% of the total population withdevelopment of medical technology and improvement of living standards, Korea has turned into an agingsociety. Especially in Gyeonggi-do, as of late December 2012, elderly people who were 65 years or older were1,135,242 persons, taking up 18.98% of the region's population and registering the largest number of elderlypeople in the nation's cities or provinces. Due to such a sharp rise in elderly population, support for the elderlyis increasing the burden on families and communities.
 The study aims to take as its subjects elderly people staying at authorized elderly welfare facilities, who areweak in mind and body and have difficulty in daily life with disabilities, or adult day care facilities that takecare of elderly people during the day or at night, examine the concept of adult day care facilities and instancesin foreign countries, and study the status of the adult day care facilities located in Gyeonggi-do, their services,and safety by figuring out space arrangement based on program implementation. Spacial arrangement inprogram operation should satisfy fuction and purpose from the manager and user's perspective, and a desirableprogram operation should provide separate spaces for the elderly with Alzheimer's and those withoutAlzheimer's. Compared to residential care facilities, adult day care facilities incur less financial burden and,compared to other authorized services, have many right functions that can upgrade the quality of users andsatisfy their desires. Major countries like Japan, the UK, and Sweden recognize the right functions of day andnight care services and aggressively support and utilize adult day care facilities.
 For adult day care facilities, quality services should be developed and use and choices should be enhanced asregards services. Development of special programs for the elderly with dementia and stroke, instead of simpleprotective functions of a program, must be actively promoted, while manpower training is required for programoperation, conveniences, and safety. By developing and providing space arrangement models that focus onefficiency, convenience, and safety of program operation, adult day care operation can be revitalized, whilequality of elderly care may be enhanced and welfare budget can be saved.


1.Park C.S(2005), "A Study on Operation of Adult Day Care Facilities and Their Space Arrangement", Architectural Institute of Korea
2. Hyeon G,L Others (2011), "Methods for Revitalizing Long-Term Day and Night Care", Health Insurance Policy Research Institute of National Health Insurance Service.
3. Gil J,W(2006), "A Study on Use of Adult Day Care Facilities and their Spatial Arrangement", Ph.D. dissertation at Gradue School of Gyeongsang National University
4. Lee S,H (2007), "A Study on Operation of Adult Day Care Facilities and Methods for Improvement, MA thesis at Inha University.
5. Jo A,M Others (2008), "A Study on Programs at Adult Day Care Facilities Provided Based on Elderly People's Health Conditions and Their Spatial Arrangement", a research paper of Chng Cheong University.
6. Kim M,H, Others (2005), "A Study on Spatial Arrangment of Alzheimer's Adult Day Care Facilities", a research paper of Seoil University.
7. Ministry of Health and Welfare (2012), "2012 Status of Elderly Welfare Facilities"
8.Gyeonggi-do Authorized Elderly Welfare Center (2012), "A Special Report on the Operation of Gyeonggi-do 365 Elderly Care Center"
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