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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.15 No.2 pp.1-7

근무 양상(주간과 야간)이 근로자 건강에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 동향

김 기 연*, 조 만 수**, 갈 원 모***
*부산가톨릭대학교산업보건학과, **일본미에대학교공생환경학과, ***을지대학교보건환경안전학과

Literature review of effect of work pattern (day shift and night shift) on worker's health

Won-Mo Gal***, Ki-Youn Kim*, Man-Su Cho**
***Department of Environmental Health and Safety, Eulji University
*Department of Industrial Health, Catholic University of Pusan
**Department of Environment Oriented Information and System Engineering, Graduate School
of Bioresources, Mie University, Japan
Received April 18, 2013; Revision Received June 18, 2013; Accepted June 10, 2013.


 Based on a literature review regarding shift work, it is recognized that it has an adverse effect on workers’health. Especially, the night shift rather than the day shift imposes severe disorders on workers, which areindicated to dyssomnia, maladaptation to social life, and health problems such as gastroenteric trouble,cardiovascular diseases and depression. As the shift work can be explainable by using workers’ labor abilitynecessarily to maintain company business consistently, it does not consider biorhythm, active mass and healthcondition of workers Actually duration of shit work would deprive workers of fundamental life rights bycausing physical and mental effects. As a result of reviewing previous case studies related to effect of workpattern (day shift and night shift) on workers’ health, an incidence of physical diseases like dyssomnia,gastroenteric trouble, cardiovascular diseases and premature delivery was higher in shift workers than normalworkers. Additionally the incidence of mental disorders such as busy brain, social isolation, depression andwork stress was also higher in shift workers than normal workers. These adverse physical and mentalproblems were intensified to night shift workers compared to day shift workers. Considering current variousreports and study results, it is recommended that the shift work, especially the night work pattern, should notapply to contemporary work situation for sustaining workers’ health condition constantly.


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