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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.15 No.3 pp.133-141

추상화계층에 기반한 작업영역분석의 모델링 개념 및 적용 원칙

함 동 한*
*전남대학교 산업공학과

Work Domain Analysis Based on Abstraction Hierarchy: Modelling Concept and Principles for Its Application

Dong-Han Ham*
*Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Chonnam National University
Received July 18, 2013; Revision Received September 2, 2013; Accepted September 5, 2013.


structure of a work domain that human operators interact with through human-system interfaces. Abstractionhierarchy (AH) is a multi-level, hierarchical knowledge representation framework for modeling the functionalstructure of any kinds of systems. Thus, WDA based on AH aims to identify the functional knowledgestructure of a work domain. AH has been used in a range of work domains and problems to model theirfunctional knowledge structure and has proven its generality and usefulness. However, many of researchers andsystem designers have reported that it is never easy to understand the concepts underlying AH and use iteffectively for WDA. This would be because WDA is a form of work analysis that is different from othertypes of work analysis techniques such as task analysis and AH has several unique characteristics that aredifferentiated from other types of function analysis techniques used in systems engineering. With this issue inmind, this paper introduces the concepts of WDA based on AH and offers a comprehensive list of references.Next, this paper proposes a set of principles for effectively applying AH for work domain analysis, which aredeveloped based on the author‘s experiences, consultation with experts, and literature reviews.


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