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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.16 No.1 pp.239-250

ABC 확장모형의 개발 및 적용

최 성 운*
*가천대학교 산업공학과

Development and Implementation of Extension Models for Activity-Based Costing

Sungwoon Choi*
*Department of Industrial Engineering, Gachon University
Received January 20, 2014; Revision Received March 19, 2014; Accepted March 19, 2014.


The purpose of this research is to implement and develop the Economic Cost Driver Size(ECDS) extendedmodel to determine the optimal cash driver size with measurement complexity cost and allocation fail cost.ECDS model can be used to seek both measurement accuracy and time efficiency of the Activity-Base Costing(ABC). The study also develops Activity Priority Number (APN) to evaluate the importance of nonvalue-addedactivities improvement and to determine the representative cost driver of value-added activities when applyingECDS model. APN consists of Severity Priority Number (SPN), Undetectablitiy Priority Number (UPN) andOccurrence Priority Number (OPN). APN can be obtained from lower-stream activity, current activity,upper-stream activity in terms of hierarchical dependency of SIPOC (Supplier, Input, Process, Output, andCustomer). In order to seek both efficiency of invested capital and reduction of overhead cost, the paperproposes the integrated ABC and Economic Value Added (EVA) model using redesigned ABC-based statementof comprehensive income and EVA-based statement of financial position. For a better understanding of theproposed ABC-EVA integrated model, numerical examples are demonstrated in this paper. Cost drivers of ABCand capital drivers of EVA in the proposed model can be used to reduce activity overhead cost fromABC-based statement of comprehensive income and to lessen activity capital charge from EVA-basedstatement of financial position.


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