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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.16 No.1 pp.221-230

수출마케팅 활동을 중심으로 하는 벤처 비즈니스 성공요인에
관한 실증적 연구

김 형 준*, 김 병 찬*
*서일대학교 산업시스템경영과

A Study on the Influence that Factors for Venture Success Have on Business Performance -Focus on Export Marketing-

Hyung-Jun Kim*, Byeong-Chan Kim*
*Dept. of Industrial System Management, Seoil University
Received January 20, 2014; Revision Received March 17, 2014; Accepted March 17, 2014.


The purpose of this study is to examine the influence that factors for a successful venture have on businessperformance. To fulfill this goal, factors for a successful venture are presupposed as the four elements ofbusiness creator, technological innovation, type of strategy, and organization, while business performance is setas subordinate variable, with a view to creating a model and establishing a hypothesis for a positive analysis.Data collection for the positive analysis was conducted using a questionnaire, and as for sampling, of thecompanies located in Seoul and greater metropolitan region and registered with Small and Medium BusinessAdministration as of late December 2012, 98 companies have been selected for the final data.And I have come up with the two following results.First, factors for venture success have all proven to exercise statistically significant influence on businessperformance.Second, of all factors for venture success, business creator and technological innovation exercise hugeinfluence on business performance, as compared to the other factors.From these two conclusions, it is understood that to upgrade business performance of a venture, business



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