ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
생산공정에 자재투입시 자재창고와 연동되는 WMS 모형
- 자동차 부품 제조업을 중심으로 -
A WMS Model Interfacing with Material Warehouse in Real Time in Puting Materials to Manufacturing Processes - in Automobile Parts Manufacturing Industry -
(a) While the receiving lead time for carrying by the current method was 2 hours, the receiving lead timeby the new method was 20 minutes.
(b) While the shipping lead time for carrying by the current method was 1 hours, the shipping lead time bythe new method was 15 minutes.
(c) While the inventory rate of accuracy by the current method was 85%, the inventory rate of accuracy bythe new method was 98%.
2. Guang-Zhu Li,Chang-Ho Lee(2006), "A Study on the Develop-ment of the Web-based u-WMS using RFID", Journal of the Korea safety Manag ement & Science, vol. 8, No 3.
3. Seung-Ye Lee(2008), "A study on the constructi ons and Effects of Development for Warehouse Management System of Manufacture Enterprise", Master Degree, Graduate school of Engineering, Yonsei university.
4. Jing-Lun Zhang․oo-Yong Lee․ung- Hwan Jang․ung-Hee Yoo․hang-Ho Lee(2013), "A Stu dy on Development of WMS System for H Auto mobile Plant in China", Journal of the Korea safe ty Management & Science, vol. 15, No 1.
5. Ji-Eun Cho(2012), "Case study on the WMS introduction of small and medium-sized ware house companies and its effects", Master Degree, Graduate School of Maritime Industrial Studies, Korea Maritime university
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